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You are unique.
So are we.

Third Party Resources Inc. (3PR) wants to be your partner in compliance and risk management success!

You know your institution.
We know the regulations.
Let's work together.

We specialize in risk management, including regulatory compliance, BSA/AML compliance, and internal controls for both community banks and non-bank institutions, including money service businesses and software companies.


Our goal is to assist our clients to develop sound and sustainable risk management programs.


3PR custom-fits all engagements to directly meet clients' needs.

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Our staff is 100% comprised of former bankers or former bank examiners.

Our staff is 100% comprised of former bankers or former bank examiners.

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Cryptocurrency Training for Executive Management

How does your bank get in the crypto game? We can help.

It is no longer a matter of if your customers own cryptocurrency, they absolutely do. A few tools can help identify who they are and assess their activity. Bitcoin is almost 12 years old, it’s time to catch up! The Cryptocurrency Training for Executive Management course includes a two hour training session and an electronic copy of training materials. The training topics include:

  1. Understanding how cryptocurrency is acquired, moved, stored, traded, and used

  2. Visualization of how much money flows through daily (only a small percentage is illicit.)

  3. Which of your customers are involved in cryptocurrency

  4. Available cryptocurrency investigative tools 

  5. Cryptocurrency SARs

  6. Cryptocurrency decentralized exchanges

  7. Regulatory update

20% off the standard enrollment fee - save $299!

Contact the 3PR Team to discuss any of your risk management, regulatory reporting or training needs.

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